Do You Need the Service?

Do you need the service?
Do you need to call me daily?
Do you have reasons for calling at all?
Is something on your mind?
Is something wrong? I get the feeling
That you're laughing at my quiet surprise
My silhouette is changing
As i'm aging by your window
And I focus on a light by your face
Call me 'the operator'
Making comments "he's so technical"
Or "I've absolutely nothing to do"
Recycle all my photographs
I'll leave a picture of the queen
And no one has to know I was there
Me, I'm so ashamed
You're all connected to my number
And the conversation's only polite
I'll wear my old grey raincoat
Just in case you're 'confidential'
Make up stories like "the screen fades away"
Today it's in a taxi
By the station, and it's raining
And I wonder how they all made it before
1.Are 'Friends' Electric?
2.The Machman
3.Me, I Disconnect from You
5.Praying to the Aliens
6.I Nearly Married a Human
7.I Nearly Married a Human (2)
8.I Nearly Married a Human 3 (Early Version)
9.We Are So Fragile
10.Do You Need the Service?
11.When the Machines Rock
12.It Must Have Been Years
13.You Are in My Vision
14.Down in the Park
15.Only a Downstat
16.The Crazies
17.We Have a Technical