You can fadeaway my love I will always -
Remember your faces, thru fadeaway -
Bless all of your eyes, I realize you're my reason
And I will always cherish the days, when our souls will be together
She's my sunshine, my moonshine
She's ma' hot, ma hotma Ghandi
She's my lady, she's from Euphrates
Sure 'nuff give that woman to me
You're just another one, just another statistic
You're needle-sickness, illed weakness
Yeah, you killed, yeah you killed, yeah you killed me boy
1.Half Ass Monkey Boy
2.This Is Shangrila
3.Holy Roller
4.Stardog Champion
5.Crown Of Thorns
7.Bone China
8.Captain Hi Top
9.Come Bite The Apple
10.Mr. Danny Boy
12.Man Of Golden Words
13.Capricorn Sister
14.Gentle Groove
15.Thru Fade Away
16.Mindshaker Meltdown
17.Chloe Dancer/Crown Of Thorns
18.Lady Godiva Blues