I Kissed a Girl

Jenny came over and told me about Brad
He's such a hairy behemoth she said
And dumb as a box of hammers
But he's such a handsome guy
And I opened up and I told her about Larry
And yesterday how he asked me to marry
I'm not giving him an answer yet
I think I can do better
So we laughed' compared notes
We had a drink' we had a smoke
She took off her overcoat
[01:30.63][01:50.57][02:25.14][02:43.68][03:02.49]I kissed a girl
So she called home to say she'd be late
He said' he worried but now he'd feel safe
I'm glad you're with your girlfriend'
Tell her "Hi" for me
then I looked at you' you had guilt in your eyes
But it only lasted a little while
And then I felt your hand above my knee
[02:01.76]And we laughed at the world
[02:07.47]They can have their diamonds
[02:10.90]And we'll have our pearls
[02:36.78]I kissed a girl' her lips were sweet
She was just like kissing me
[02:47.65]I kissed a girl' won't change the world
[02:49.51]But I'm so glad
[02:51.83]I kissed a girl (for the first time)
I kissed a girl (and I may do it again)
She was just like kissing me (but better)
I kissed a girl (won't be the last time)
I kissed a girl
1.(Theme From) The Girl in the Affair
2.I Kissed a Girl
3.The Couple on the Street