Flipsyde - Trumpets
Countin' trumpets on the wall
Fiery flame will kill us all
And I hear trumpets ringing in my head
Before I go to sleep
Takes me back way back
When we were young and we were friends
Now I'm home alone
Smokin' cigarettes waitin' by the phone
Sweet Virgina blue skies early mornin' sunrise
I can see your spirit dancin' next to mine
I know that you'll never be the same again
We can just roll on down this road my friend
I know that you'll never be just never be alone
I know that you'll be there when I will say goodbye
Hold on tight baby lean when I lean
Both arms tight lady follow my lead
Let your hair down feel it blow in the breeze
I'm a' take you to a place that you'll never believe
Riding on the wind disappear in the sky
Never ask why spread wings and fly
Sunbathe in the sun rays and dream
Listening to Dave play and Stevie sing
I know that you'll never be the same again
We can just roll on down this road my friend
I know that you'll never be just never be alone
I know that you'll be there when I will say goodbye
Countin' trumpets on the wall
Fiery flame will kill us all
And I hear trumpets ringing in my head
Before I go to sleep
Takes me back way back
When we were young and we were friends
Now I'm home alone smokin' cigarettes waitin' by the phone
Sweet Virgina blue skies early mornin' sunrise
I can see your spirit dancin' next to mine
I know that you'll never be the same again
We can just roll on down this road my friend
I know that you'll never be just never be alone
I know that you'll be there when I will say goodbye
Flipsyde - Trumpets
1.Guitar - Pavana (variations on the Romanesca) from the Braye Lute Book, c.1560
2.Reed pipe - Shepherd's tune
3.The Fairy Round (Galliard No. 3)
4.Long-necked lute - Aquel que de voontade' from the Cantigas de Santa Maria
5.Pipe and tabor - Dansa (Ben volgra s'esser poges)
6.Panpipes - Chanson à refrain (A prisai qu'en chantant plour)
7.Transverse flute - Minnesinger melody (Owe daz nach liebe gat)
8.Shawm - Saltarello (2007 Remastered Version)
9.Harpsichord - toccata from the Naples Ms.
10.Renaissance organ - Entrada réal
11.Positive organ - Estampie from the Robertsbridge Fragment
12.Portative organ - Madrigal (Ay schonsolato ed amoroso)
13.Bladder pipes - Pastourelle (Au tans d'aost), from the Chansonnier Cangé
14.Six-holed pipe - Chanson pieuse (Dou tres douz non') with improvised prelude & postlude for jew's harp
15.Double pipes - Virelai (Gracieusette)
16.Recorder - English Te Deum
17.Gemshorn - Chansonnette (Quant je voy yver retirner)
18.Hurdy-gurdy - Chanson (Joliveté et bone amor)
19.Clavichord - Ellend du hast
23.Lyre - Goliard melody (O Roma nobilis)
24.Psaltery - Hymn to St. Magnus (Nobilis humilis)
25.Dulcimer - Madrigal (Tanto soavemente)
26.Lute - Madrigal (Di novo é giunto)
27.Mandora - Chanson (Amours que porra)
28.Gittern - Virelai (Quant je sui mis)
29.Citole - English dance
30.Shawm - 2 Courantes from Newe teutsche weltliche Gesänglein, 1613
31.Bowed lyre - Virelai (Comment qu'a moy)
33.Crumhorn - Padouana from the Banchetto Musicale, 1617
34.Tromba marina - Improvised fanfare
35.Rackett - Caro ortolano from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578
36.Curtal - Chanson (Ce qui souloit)
37.Rebec - La septime estampie real
38.Rauschpfeife - Three Bransles Doubles from Terpsichore, 1612
39.Theorbo - A Fancy - Praelude, or Voluntary from Musick's Monument, 1676
40.Kortholt - Bicinium (Mon petit cueur) from Georg Rhaw's Bicinia gallica et latina, 1545
41.Cornett - Canzona fro (due canti) from Canzoni da sonare, 1634
42.Fiddle - Ballata (Poi che da te mi convien)
43.Flute - Chanson (Amour me poingt) from Pierre Attaingnant's 2nd book of Chansons musicales, 1533
44.Recorder 8' consort - Chanson (Hellas! Amour) from Pierre Attaingnant's 2nd book of Chansons musicales, 1533
45.Alto & tenor cornett - Bicinium (Amour cruel) from Georg Rhaw's Bicinia gallica et latina, 1545
47.Mandora - Ballo Anglese from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578
48.Cittern - Galliarde from cittern and bass from the Cittharn Schoole, 1597
49.Vihuela - Fantasia XI from El Maestro, 1536
50.Serpent - Canzona quarta for (basso solo) from the Canzoni da sonare, 1643
51.Lute - Orlando sleepeth
52.Orpharion - Duet (Le Rossignol) from Jane Pickering's Lute Book, 1616
53.Virginals - Variations on the Tomanesca from the Dublin Virginal Book, c.1570
54.Bandora - Galliard from the Braye Bandora Ms.
56.Xylophone - Ballo Francese from Il Primo Libro di Balli, 1578
58.Cornamuse - Bicinium (Le cuer de vous) from Georg Rhaw's Bicinia gallica et latina, 1545
59.La Volta
60.Ceterone - Toccata prima from Intavolatura di Liuto e di Chitarrone, 1623