She had a smile that could light up the room in seconds
I got lost in her blue eyes in conversation
And she told me her dreams and she trusted in me for hours
她告诉我她的梦想 在那几个小时里她信任我
I held her hand and whispered away my secrets
我紧握她的双手 凑到她耳边分享我的秘密
这看起来不算是什么 都是因为信任
Nothing's like it seems, it's all a make believe
And no one's really listening
被耀眼的光芒照耀 停下来留心观察
Too blinded by the glare to ever stop and care
耶 当你需要他们时 他们都不在身边
Yeah, no one's really there when you need them
所以 坚持你的本色吧 做好自己
So hold on to who you are
因为这看起来不算是什么 都是因为信任
'Cause nothing's like it seems, it's all a make believe
Just falling stars on silver screens
午夜时分 她流着眼泪告诉我 她迷失了方向
She had a smile that could light up the room in seconds
全世界都在沉沉睡去之时 她告诉我这一切都结束了
With tears after midnight, she told me she lost direction
不知如何安慰她受伤的心灵 我给了她一个紧紧的拥抱
While the world was asleep, she was up telling me it was over
这看起来不算什么 都是因为信任
I held her tight for a moment and I was speechless
被耀眼的光芒照耀 停下来留心观察
Nothing's like it seems, it's all a make believe
耶 当你需要他们时 他们都不在身边
And no one's really listening
所以 坚持你的本色吧 做好自己
Too blinded by the glare to ever stop and care
因为这看起来不算什么 都是因为信任
Yeah, no one's really there when you need them
So hold on to who you are
最后一件关于她的消息 是她变成了一颗流星
'Cause nothing's like it seems, it's all a make believe
追随着她的梦想 遵循着她的内心
Just falling stars on silver screens
说我是对的 我终于意识到
Last thing I heard, she became a star
因为这看起来不算是什么 都是因为信任
Followed her dream, she followed her heart
She left a message in the middle of July
被耀眼的光芒照耀 停下来留心观察
Said you were right and I realized
耶 当你需要他们时 他们都不在身边
被耀眼的光芒照耀 停下来留心观察
Nothing's like it seems, it's all a make believe
耶 当你需要他们时 他们都不在身边
And no one's really listening
所以 坚持你的本色吧 做好自己
Too blinded by the glare to ever stop and care
因为这看起来不算是什么 都是因为信任
Yeah, no one's really there when you need them
So blinded by the glare to ever stop and care
Yeah, no one's really there when you need them
So hold on to who you are
'Cause nothing's like it seems, it's all a make believe
Just falling stars on silver screens
1.Meet Me By the Stairs
3.Say Ya!
4.Over Again
5.Silver Screens
6.She’ll Be Breaking Hearts
7.I Don’t Wanna Be Alone Tonight