Why Do I Get Stuck When You Arrive?

Now I watch you in slow motion
I’m immersed in it
I confirm with it, you’re working it
我明白了 你不过是逢场作戏
I don’t even feel the notion, no reserve in it
我不懂你的想法 也无意倾覆你的感情
No diverting it, return to it
Now we’re just a little different and I’m used to it
我们似乎都变了 但我也习惯了
I know we used to fit, no refusing it
Now I’m gonna stop resisting, thinking I’m used to it
不再挣扎 不再逃避
Let it diffuse a bit, re-using it
就让这爱慢慢消散吧 不再回头
Why do I get stuck when you arrive?
可为何 你的到来让我停滞不前
Why do I get stuck when you arrive?
为何 我失去了离开的决心
Why do I get stuck when you arrive?
为何 你的到来让我停滞不前
Why do I get stuck when you arrive?
为何 我失去了离开的决心
2.Why Do I Get Stuck When You Arrive?
3.Rebel Babe