Bring me back to where I've been
If you sing that song, it'll take me there
你若唱起那支歌儿 它便会指引我安全抵达
Right back where it all began, but please do hold my trembling hands
带我回到那片曾养育我的土地吧 但请一定握紧我颤抖着的双手
Mother I do miss her so, oh I wish I was a little girl
我是多么地想念我的母亲啊 噢 我真希望天真永驻
Still a spark in my father's eyes, but I feel a loss without her smile
她仍是父亲眼里的一汪柔情 可容颜已逝笑颜已旧
Send me out into the world
所以我整装待发 为追寻真我奋力一搏
I am going there to break a spell
母亲的影子与我相依相随 所以我会收敛不羁享受平凡 我可以保证
Mother I do have her hands, I will use them well, I promise that
揣摩着这一切存在的意义 我相信自己将战胜那些暗藏泥沼的纸醉金迷
Knowing well what I do now, I will overcome what holds me down
1.Even Though I'm A Woman
2.Rest Your Head On My Shoulder
3.Light All My Lights
4.Rely On Me
5.Bring Me Back
6.If The Night Is Dark
7.On My Own
8.Theme I
9.Bridges Burned
11.Going to Sleep
12.We Will Know What It Is