Seigneur and servants 家丁与老爷的群舞

1.Overture _ Dance of red lantern 序幕 -红灯舞
2.Girl between the dream and the reality 梦幻与现实中的少女
3.Wedding ceremony 婚礼(柳青娘曲牌)
4.Dance of order 规矩舞1
5.Jealousy between 1st and 2nd wife 大太太与二太太争风
6.Light the red lanterns 点灯舞
7.Wedding night 新婚夜
8.Ballet and Beijing opera 芭蕾与京剧
9.Revise 重逢
10.Dance of Beijing opera 京剧舞(夜深沉曲牌)
11.Dance of mah-jong 麻将舞
12.Adulteress 偷情
13.Dance of order Ⅱ 规矩舞2
14.Tear up the lanterns 撕灯
15.Seigneur and servants 家丁与老爷的群舞
16.Duo in the prison 牢中双人舞
17.Trio before death 刑前的三人舞
18.Epilogue 尾声