Tiger tiger I feel for you
illest hunter inside the coupe
Naughty smack yaks w/ the pupil dap
Chisel at the bars till the toofies crack
Lean beef baby got a heart that beeps
Roadrunner tangent cartoon freak
Obsessed much w/ the sure to catch bloody mess pending
Crush on coyote cause her cause aint bending
Vickie vulture lack the culture and the combination
Of the look hooks hunter books to slay the prey in any nook
Cranny cranberry babble speech dictionary
Hairy knuckle **** it shaving w/ a razor from zoo keep Larry
On a mound of breeding well exceeding your target
Output future speech I beseech your outlook
Poetically blunt vasectomy cunt
Don't you ever get lucked or your bound to get ******
67 pumps finger touch scaly backside
********* running **** photographed archived
all the time through the night mental drills from here to turkey
chickey worm food worky work from my jerky poo
monkey do junky pee moat around the tweety tree
kitty scene lap the teet lap the wicky wicked king
zookeeper own a beeper hitting up the cheetah cheetah
for some cheeba late at night he'll smoke him if he doesn't feed it right
all the people that we know are animals behind mechanical
devices handed license they could die at any time
sitting in between the birth canal and incandescent tunnel is the chance
to feed the wild side feed the ****** right
all the people that you know are animals that have mechanical
devices as a vice the could die at any time…….
out of practice ********** pack the mattress
stacked up to ceiling speaking foul in captions
how many hybrids can we fit in a dorm
before it starts to look zoo similar off shore
scoping from the window-sill telescope nerdy skilled
Americana surf song thunder thighed people are real
The exist unless you can make pretend
Your really all alone in power animal dens
I'm jacks nagging pansy mind
Today I ******* a lot and had a damn good time
Complicated confiscation of the space behind the face
Replace it with the spongy self-absorbent waste paste
and im dense Way to dense to approach
Shallow ************* get evaporated way before
they step into the alpha circle
Drawn in purple droopy nurple urkle pants dance till im all alone
That's what I want
I'm such a ******* animal
That's what I want
Your such a ******* animal
all the people that you know are animals that have mechanical
devices as a vice the could die at any time…….
out of practice ********** pack the mattress
stacked up to ceiling speaking foul in captions
how many hybrids can we fit in a dorm
before it starts to look zoo similar off shore
scoping from the window-sill telescope nerdy skilled
all the people that you know are animals that have mechanical
devices as a vice the could die at any time……
1.Digital Animal
4.Bone Hollow
5.Frozen Chinchilla
7.Shout Out
10.Rational Beating
12.Giant Town
14.Numbers on the Wall