In the silence of the night how we shiver with affright
By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells
From the rust within their throats for every sound that floats
In the silence all alone
Switching time time
In a sort of runic rhyme
To the tolling of the bells
Iron bells
To the tolling of the bells
Keeping time time
To the moaning and the groaning
In a sort of runic rhyme
Hear the tolling of the bells
Iron bells
What a world of solemn thought their monody compels
And who tolling tolling tolling
In that muffled monotone
Feel a glory in so rolling
On the human heart a stone
They are neither man nor woman
They are neither brute nor human
They are goals
And it is their king who tolls
1.Lonesome October
3.In Mourning
6.Nocturnal Rhymes
7.The Dying Swan
8.Floating Mind
10.Earth Vein
11.Human Fail