Girl (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)

Girl, perfectly her, broken and hurt
女孩 你如此完美 却又破碎心伤
Soft and asleep in the morning gray
昏暗的早晨 你幽然而眠
Shake off the night and don't hide your face
摆脱暗夜吧 不要逃避遮掩
The sun lights the world with a single flame
一束阳光 照亮了世界
I want you to see this
I want you to see this
Today and all of your days, I'll wear your pain
在今天 以及与你共度的每一天 我都会帮你治愈痛苦
Heal what I can in your troubled mind
尽我所能 抚慰你烦躁的心
Sometimes our bodies will hurt for some time
And the beauty in that can be hard to find
可伤痛中的美好 却难以发觉
I want you to find it
I want you to see this
I want you to see this
So run, wake up and run my little one
所以醒来吧 现在就出发 我的小宝贝
I wanna tear down these walls that can't hold you inside
我想用泪水 冲垮这本就禁锢不住你的墙垒
And rip out the cords and uncover your eyes
放下牵绊 睁开双眼
We'll make our escape in the dark of night
I need you to see this
You'll see the world and you'll come to learn
That falling in love is a strange work of art
All of your battles will shape who you are
你的每一次斗争 都是你生命中 重要的部分
And know that your scars are my favorite part
我知道 你的伤痛 却是我最珍爱的地方
I want you to know this
我希望 这些你能明白
1.Stay Close (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
2.Girl (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
3.Dim (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
4.The Dark (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
5.Meant to Stay Hid (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
6.Take Me Apart (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
7.I Wanted to Leave (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
8.Mr. Sandman (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
9.Symmetry (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
10.The Bird (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
11.Fear of the Water (Recorded at St. Mark’s Cathedral)
12.The War (Recorded at St. Mark’s Cathedral)
13.Where's My Love (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)
14.Everything All At Once (Recorded at St. Mark's Cathedral)