Trying to get my shit together.
It ain’t getting any easier.
Watching everyone get signed except for me.
It ain’t getting any easier.
Stuck in a job where I’m left to sell lies.
Try and climb out but all I do is slide
back to a place to where I cry inside.
Ain’t getting any easier.
Telling my kids they’ve got nothing to fear.
It ain’t getting any easier.
Ain’t black and white like they used to hear.
It ain’t getting any easier.
Not getting lost when I know the right way.
Seeing friends cry and knowing what to say.
Having the funds so I can pay.
Ain’t getting any easier.
Heels on ground so you can’t beat down.
Taking charge, no force feeding me now.
Release my heart so you see how it beats.
Will you let me be me?
Be free.
It ain’t hopeless it just won’t be easy.
Hearing that “You just ain’t found the right girl”.
It ain’t getting any easier.
Watching you wretch and seeing your toes curl.
It ain’t getting any easier.
Passing a bill to protect your little girl.
Forcing my circular freedom into your square world.
It’s never gonna get easier.
Knowing we vote for it all to be stripped away.
Knowing they pay but you won’t even let them stay.
Seeing them try just to be blown away.
It ain’t getting any easier.
When are my years gonna help me out?
I’m getting closer to knowing what it’s all about.
Will my joy be more than pain’s amount?
The answer’s not clear.
Doesn’t love cast out fear?
That’s why we’re still here.
Maybe if we pull our love together…
Maybe if we work with one another…
Don’t be disheartened.
Look at how far we’ve come.
Still got far to go,
but look at how far we’ve come.