Can You Read My Mind (feat. Margot Kidder) [Alternate]

1.Prelude and Main Title March
2.The Planet Krypton
3.Destruction of Krypton
4.Star Ship Escapes
5.The Trip to Earth
6.Growing Up
7.Death of Jonathan Kent
8.Leaving Home
9.The Fortress of Solitude
10.Welcome to Metropolis
11.Lex Luthor's Lair
12.The Big Rescue
13.Super Crime Fighter
14.Super Rescues
15.Luthor's Luau
16.The Planet Krypton (Alternate Version)
17.Main Title March (Alternate Version)
18.Superman March (Alternate Version)
19.The March of the Villains
20.The Terrace
21.The Flying Sequence
22.Lois and Clark
23.Crime of the Century
24.Sonic Greeting
25.Misguided Missiles and Kryptonite
26.Chasing Rockets
28.Super Dam and Finding Lois
29.Turning Back the World
30.Finale and End Title March
31.Love Theme from Superman
32.Can You Read My Mind (feat. Margot Kidder) [Alternate]
33.The Flying Sequence / Can You Read My Mind (feat. Margot Kidder)
34.Can You Read My Mind (Alternate Instrumental)
35.Theme from Superman (Concert Version)