Each step I take feels the same
每一步的前进 感觉都在原地打转
My only peace is my pain
唯一平静的时候 却被痛苦缠身
A part of you that remains
那是你唯一 给我留下的
And I spend my time
Thinking bout the past
Trying to make it last
努力让这一切 就此持续下去
I really miss your laugh
我对你的欢声笑语 念念不忘
These nights I don't really sleep much
最近的夜晚 我总是辗转难眠
Thinking bout how you loved
思索着 你是如何去爱的
Wishing it was just us in this room
真的奢望 此刻只有你我在这个房间
But it's just me and your perfume
但这房里只剩下我 与你残留的香水味
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
lt rips me to pieces to know that I'm peaceless
发觉自己已变得不安宁 为此希望尽失 心已破碎
I'm scared of the feeling of healing, I'm sleepless
我害怕愈合的感觉 怕失去那种伤感 为此失眠
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Yeah I'm tearing myself apart now that you're leaving
的确 你已准备离开 而我也为此心碎
I'm missing your loving, I think I'm addicted
想念你的爱 我已经上瘾
I think I'm addicted
(I think I'm addicted)
(念你的爱 上瘾至极)
We've both been through shit, I won't make excuses
我们都经历过这种感觉 因此我不会找借口开脱
That would be useless
Cause you said you were through with this
But girl, if there was a way to change your hurt
但是若有一种 能改变你的伤痛
I would take back all of my words
And give everything you deserve
(The world)
(就算是世界 也无妨)
These nights l don't really sleep much
最近的夜晚 我总是辗转难眠
Thinking bout how you loved
思索着 你是如何去爱的
Wishing it was just us in this room
真的奢望 此刻只有你我在这个房间
But it's just me and your perfume
但这房里只剩下我 与你残留的香水味
These nights I don't really sleep much
最近的夜晚 我总是辗转难眠
Thinking bout how you loved
思索着 你是如何去爱的
Wishing it was just us in this room
真的奢望 此刻只有你我在这个房间
But it's just me and your perfume
但这房里只剩下我 与你残留的香水味
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
lt rips me to pieces to know that I'm peaceless
发觉自己已变得不安宁 为此希望尽失 心已破碎
I'm scared of the feeling of healing, I'm sleepless
我害怕愈合的感觉 怕失去那种伤感 为此失眠
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Yeah I'm tearing myself apart now that you're leaving
的确 你已准备离开 而我也为此心碎
I'm missing your loving, I think I'm addicted
想念你的爱 我已经上瘾
I think I'm addicted
(Oh I know I'm addicted,
(念你的爱 上瘾至极)
But I can't shake the feeling)
(我无法摆脱 这种上瘾的感觉)