Cherry, I flew all the way out to Tacoma
彻丽 我不顾一切奔赴塔科马
To tell you that I'd die to get to know ya
But the signal died and I ended up sober
可你突然不再给我讯息 我便如梦初醒
彻丽 我知道天气渐凉 才早早出发
Cherry, I'm on my way I know it's getting colder
飞越大洋 奔向彼岸 只想抱得美人归
Pacific in your garden I can hold ya
Loosening the chips on both our shoulders
一个吻 担保不了我终身的幸福
It's always a risk pinning my happiness on a kiss
我想要奋力一搏 粉身碎骨也不怕
One shot wonder
你知道吗 这是我唯一的时机
Begging to fall, smash into a wall
我是笨蛋 只相信惊天的奇迹
What do ya know, one shot wonder
I'm a fool, a fool for thunder
彻丽 或许打场保龄球 看场电影 我们就能冰释前嫌
回家途中 你在车里对我说 你很了解我
也知道需要付出多少辛劳 才能收获美好
Cherry, we could break the ice with bowling or a movie
一个吻 担保不了我终身的幸福
In the car back home you say you always knew me
And all about the pain that feeds the beauty
我想要奋力一搏 粉身碎骨也不怕
你知道吗 这是我唯一的时机
It's always a risk pinning my happiness on a kiss
我是笨蛋 只相信惊天的奇迹
One shot wonder
一见你靓丽容颜 我便被你倾倒
Begging to fall, smack into a wall
What do ya know, one shot wonder
一路游行 到加拿大
I'm a fool, a fool for thunder
单恋之人 不知结局 如临深渊
一个吻 担保不了我终身的幸福
Saw your picture and I fell
To the river from the well
我想要奋力一搏 粉身碎骨也不怕
Swimming for Canada
你知道吗 这是我唯一的时机
Single bed to the abyss
我是笨蛋 只相信惊天的奇迹
It's always a risk pinning my happiness on a kiss
One shot wonder
I'm begging to fall, smash into a wall
What do you know, one shot wonder
I'm a fool, a fool for thunder
1.Oh My God Please
2.Full Full Colour
3.Cherry In Tacoma