Singin' in the Rain

1.Star Wars (Main Theme)
2.Star Wars (Princess Leia's Theme)
3.E.T. (Flying Theme)
4.Superman (March)
5.Superman (Love Theme)
6.Raiders of the Lost Ark (March)
7.Chariots of Fire (Main Theme)
8.Gone With the Wind (Tara's Theme)
9.A Summer Place (Love Theme)
10.The Pink Panter (Main Theme)
11.Never on Sunday
12.The Trolley Song (Meet Me in St. Louis)
13.Singin' in the Rain
14.Pops Salutes the Oscars
15.Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Suite)
16.Candide - Overture
17.New York, New York -Main Theme
18.Night Waltz- Send in the Clowns
19.Memory (Cats)
20.There's No Busines Like Show Business
21.Gigi - Selection
22.By the Sleepy Lagoon
23.Moonlight Serenade
24.Satin Doll
25.In the Mood
26.Sing, Sing, Sing
27.A Chorus Line - Overture
28.76 Trombones
29.Unchained Melody
30.America Medley