Affirmation for the Desperated

Who am I
You tell me
What's my name
I don't care
Think nothing
Death is another beginning
But your name never ends
Even afterwords the world has gone to ashes
Death comes in your way kill death
In the name of honor slash death
And let everyone remember your name
With conviction and the hilt of a sword
Let the flower bloom
Hell I've seen it however
I'm not afraid
No regrets in my life
And I fought till death to win it back
I ended up having nothing
To keep your honor
Cut off the hands of weak
Cut off the legs of fear
Pull out the eyes of death
March forward even if the road is
Be bound to nothing
Be bound to nothing
Just live yourself
Just live yourself
Be bound to nothing
Be bound to nothing
Just live yourself
Just live yourself
Be bound to nothing
Just live yourself
Be bound to nothing
Just live yourself
Be bound to nothing
Just live yourself
Be bound to nothing
1.Blood of Immortality
2.An Ode to My Friend
3.Last Cadence
4.Sanguinolentus Desperatio
5.Eventual Acception
6.Letails Silentium
7.Assassin of Death
8.Flowers in the Sand
9.Fear Coming
10.Saddest End of One Fine Morning
11.Affirmation for the Desperated
12.Caesar of an Occasion