from Over The Garden Wall, released September 22, 2017
Written by B. Armstrong, J. Kaufman, J. Rubenstein
Joshua Kaufman: Piano, Music Box, Clarinets
Patricia Gunther: Contra Bassoon
There’s an old black train a’comin’
Scraping long the iron
You don’t need no ticket, boys
It’ll take you when it’s time
Come on now, young strangers
Weren’t you someone’s son?
How’d you find this depot
‘cause it ain’t where you belong
You will pass a graveyard
Stones worn by the years
The train’ll stop a minute
But don’t let it leave you here
The coachman is my brother
The engineer’s my friend
They’ll get you more acquainted
by the time you reach the end
This journey is a long one
It’ll take you all around
Life rushing by your window
Before it lays you down
Now, where this old train’s going
You can’t come back from
You can leave your baggage here
Because we’ll need it when you’re gone