The Moon & St. Christopher

When i was young i spoke like a child 年轻时我像个孩子般地言语
I saw with a child's eyes 用孩子般的眼睛看待世界
And an open door was to a girl 有一扇门向一个女孩打开
Like the stars are to the sky 好似繁星在夜空闪烁
It's funny how the world lives up to All your expectations 多么好笑,世事如你预料般发展
With adventures for the stout of heart And the lure of the open spaces 勇敢的心要去冒险,探寻外面世界的诱惑
There's two lanes running down this road 道路前方有两条小巷
And whichever side you're on 你到底在哪一方
Accounts for where you want to go 这取决你要去哪里
Or what you're running from 或取决于你来自何方
Back when darkness overtook me 当暗夜笼罩我时就归来吧
On a blind man's curve 就象站在盲人应拐弯的地方
I relied upon the moon 我依赖月亮
I relied upon the moon 我依赖月亮
I relied upon the moon and st. christopher 我依赖月亮和圣·克里斯托弗
Now i've paid my dues ‘cause i have owed them 现在我已偿清了生活中所有的亏欠
But i've paid a price sometimes 但有时也会为之付出代价
For being such a stubborn woman 因为我是个如此倔强的女子
In such stubborn times 在这个难已驾驭的年代
I have run from the arms of lovers 我已经离开了爱人的怀抱
I've run from the eyes of friends 我已经远离了朋友的视线
I've run from the hands of kindness 我已经远离了仁慈的双手
I've run just because i can 我离开只因为我能自立自强
But now i've grown and i speak like a woman 如今我已成长,像成人般言语
And i see with a woman's eyes 用女性的视角看待世界
And an open door is to me now 那扇为我展开的门
Like to the saddest of goodbyes 像是最伤心的道别
When it's too late for turning back 当回首已无可能
I pray for the heart and the nerve 我只能为我的心灵和勇气祈祷
And i rely upon the moon 而我依赖月亮
I rely upon the moon 我依赖月亮
I rely upon the moon and st. christopher 我依赖月亮和圣·克里斯托弗
And i rely upon the moon 而我依赖月亮
I rely upon the moon 我依赖月亮
I rely upon the moon and st. christopher 我依赖月亮和圣·克里斯托弗
To be my guide 为我指引方向
1.Only a Woman's Heart (feat. Eleanor Mcevoy)
2.Tearing Up the Town
3.The Moon & St. Christopher
4.No Frontiers
5.Babes in the Wood
6.Carolina Rua
9.Adam At the Window
10.Ellis Island
11.Bright Blue Rose
12.There's a Train That Leaves Tonight