Mother Don't Look Down

There's no break from the sound of the siren's call
它会在你的耳边一直轰鸣 直到破晓黎明
It will ring in your ears right to the dawn
亲爱的妈妈 不要往下看 不要悲伤
你的孩子们 马上就会来到你的身边
Oh mother, oh mother don't look down
你用你的双手 教会他们爱与恐惧 教会他们成长
当他们在黑暗中啜泣时 你用你的怀抱将他们温暖
Cause your children, your children will soon be found
亲爱的妈妈 不要悲伤
你的孩子们 不久就会回来
They were raised by your hands to love and fear
当他们在苍穹下向你呼喊时 你会看到他们的身影
When they cried in the dark you held them near
Oh mother, oh mother don't be sad
亲爱的妈妈 不要皱眉 不要悲伤
你的孩子们 就在你的身边
Cause your children, your children will soon come back
当他们的呼喊声穿过苍穹时 你会看到他们的身影
You will hear them when they call across the sky
And find them forever in that sweet by and by
When it seems like the sky around you falls
And those faces you love you can't recall
Oh mother, oh mother don't you frown
Cause your children, your children are round you now
You will hear them when they call across the sky
And find them forever in that sweet by and by
And find them forever in the sweet by and by
1.London Bridge Is Falling Down
2.Between Us
3.Full Moon Song
4.Be Still My Heart
5.Don't Rest Your Weight on Me Now
6.Interlude for Piano
7.I May Not Let Go
8.Waltz for the Faithless
9.My Love Is My Love
11.Mother Don't Look Down
12.Emily's Rain