You put your faith in a dream gone bust
On a man who didn't know what love was
那个被你视为精神寄托的人 根本不懂得爱
Now you're wide awake on a Greyhound bus
Counting cars back to Minneapolis
目光空洞地数着 返回明尼阿波利斯的车辆
You've forgiven me times before
Is this the time when you won't anymore
可这一次 你选择了决然离去
就算多么坚强的天使 也难免会受伤
Cause even the angels get hurt sometimes
无视所有劝告 为爱飞蛾扑火
Ignore every warning take it to the sky
殊不知 很多时候 爱情往往让人蒙蔽双眼
But sometimes love, it can make us blind
就算再坚强的天使 也有着不能承受的生命之轻
Cause even the angels get hurt sometimes
I know I put you to the test
虽然我的心已残缺不整 但至少 我将我最好的一面都留给了你
I'm a broken man but you had my best
我在你曾睡过的床上 忽然惊醒
Now I'm wide awake on the side of your bed
我差点以为 是你改变心意回家了
Wonderin' if you're ever comin' back again
可这一次 你对我失望透顶再无原谅
You've forgiven me times before
就算多么坚强的天使 也难免会心碎
Is this the time when you won't anymore
无视所有告诫 为爱奋不顾身
Cause even the angels get hurt sometimes
殊不知 很多时候 爱情往往让人丧失理智
Ignore every warning take it to the sky
就算再坚强的天使 也有无力承受的伤害
But sometimes love, it can make us blind
我明白 被人依傍的感觉 有多么幸福
Cause even the angels get hurt sometimes
而我此刻近乎望眼欲穿 依盼你的归来
我深知 无人拥睡的夜晚 有多么寂寞
I know you think you're better when you're not alone
此刻我对你思念 带来了前所未有的眷恋
But maybe I'm the one who needs you more than I will ever know
我清楚 无依无靠的时候 有多么无助
I know you think you're better when you're not alone
而我此刻近乎望穿秋水 渴望有你陪伴
But maybe I'm the one who needs you more than I will ever know, ever know
我了解 当你独处时容易照顾不好自己
I know you think you're better when you're not alone
我会不会恰巧是最需要你 也最懂得照顾你的人呢
But maybe I'm the one who needs you more than I will ever know
就算多么坚强的天使 也难免会受伤
I know you think you're better when you're not alone
无视所有劝告 为爱飞蛾扑火
But maybe I'm the one who needs you more than I will ever know, ever know
殊不知 很多时候 爱情往往让人蒙蔽双眼
就算再坚强的天使 也有无力承受的伤害
Even the angels get hurt sometimes
我明白 被人依傍的感觉 有多么幸福
Ignore every warning take it to the sky
而我此刻近乎望眼欲穿 依盼你的归来
But sometimes love, it can make us blind
我清楚 无依无靠的时候 有多么无助
Cause even the angels get hurt sometimes
而我此刻近乎望穿秋水 渴望有你陪伴
I know you think you're better when you're not alone
But maybe I'm the one who needs you more than I will ever know, ever know
I know you think you're better when you're not alone
But maybe I'm the one who needs you more than I will ever know