Why is everyone sad?

Looks like I'm feeling sad again
looks like I'm not in control of my head
Sometimes it's easier to pretend
Then again, I could go outside with my friends
You know I’ve been
Out gone, sleeping
I could grow or
I could go back to sleep instead
I could read what I wrote
On my arms and legs
Keep getting better as long as you’re clever
You’ll keep out of your own head
I don’t know but I’m told
its best you get out of bed
Looks like you’re feeling sad again
Looks like you’re not in control of your head
Sometimes it’s easier to pretend
Then again, you could go outside with your friends
You know I’ve been
Out gone, sleeping
I could grow or
I could go back to sleep instead
I could read what I wrote
On my arms and legs
Keep getting better as long as you’re clever
You’ll keep out of your own head
I don’t know but I’m told
its best you get out of bed
I could grow or
I could go back to sleep instead
I could read what I wrote
On my arms and legs
Keep getting better as long as you’re clever
You’ll keep out of your own head
I don’t know but I’m told
its best you get out of bed
1.Why is everyone sad?