Runnin' Circles

Runnin' runnin' runnin'
往返 徘徊 流转
These circles 'round you (all night)
我在你身边兜兜转转 彻夜未眠
When I get to where I'm going
我想 若我达到了我的目标
I will be (alright)
'Cause I made mistakes but I changed my ways
我时常也会犯错 但我已经不是从前的自己
That's done, I'm back to square one
一切都结束了 我也只能回到原点
I don't got it all figure out yet
I take it day-to-day like my outfit
音乐是我人生的机遇 曾经自己玩玩的我 如今也有了众人的寄托
And music it's my outlet, used to do it for me and nowadays it's crowded
So I skipped that gym membership
难得感受的放松 也只是来自我写歌抒怀的自在
Only time I'm flexing its when I'm working my penmanship
曾经我这个完美主义者 如今也由衷感谢所有的小差错
The mind of a perfectionist, but now a days I appreciate the blemishes
我珍视着每一个机会 做个好人 妈妈的好儿子 朋友的好兄弟 偶像的死忠粉
I relish the opportunity to be a better man, be a better son, better brother, be a better fan
拼命工作个十万小时 把自己献给国家
Work a hundred thousand hours, give a part to Uncle Sam
但我丝毫不会遗憾 因为这剩下的一半才是最真实的我
But I don't regret it 'cause the other half is who I am
我在这条路上才不会减速 叫我停下就是与我为敌
So I don't ever slow down, stop signs is my enemy
老司机飙起车来 永远不会让你超过
Too much driving, never letting you ahead of me
固然我可以回味过去 但我可以改写的是我的未来
Trying to reminisce, trying to make new memories
往返 徘徊 流转
我在你身边兜兜转转 彻夜未眠
Runnin' runnin' runnin'
我想 若我达到了我的目标
These circles 'round you (all night)
When I get to where I'm going
我时常也会犯错 但我已经不是从前的自己
I will be (alright)
一切都结束了 我也只能回到原点
'Cause I made mistakes but I changed my ways
往返 徘徊 流转
That's done, I'm back to square one
我在你身边兜兜转转 彻夜未眠
我想 若我达到了我的目标
Runnin' runnin' runnin'
These circles 'round you (all night)
我时常也会犯错 但我已经不是从前的自己
When I get to where I'm going
一切都结束了 我也只能回到原点
I will be (alright)
我坐在我买的97年老本田里 想起妈妈叫我千万别买的情形
'Cause I made mistakes but I changed my ways
我因为违规超速吃了几张罚单 因为妈妈总是担心我不知去向 担心我受人中伤
That's done, I'm back to square one
人们总说我所谓满怀雄心 实则不切实际 夸夸其谈
告诉我 说我永远不能实现梦想
And I was sitting in my '97 Honda that my mama said that I should probably have never bought
I got a couple speeding tickets 'cause my mama was always thinking "Where ya headin'? Where these people thought?"
They told me I was too ambitious, told me I'm unrealistic
所以别劝我立下小小的目标了 说不准我就赚了一大笔钱把你关注的股票买空了呢
Told me I could never have it all
我兄弟成群 但我们也不想黑帮那样上街招摇
But if I follow what you follow
绿茵场上我尽显风采 如同我就要准备射门
Chances are I probably still working at the ******* mall
So don't tell me to dream small, you probably catch me climbing your nearest bean stock
Whole gang with me, but we never C-walk
如果你感觉自己虚度着光阴 做什么都不来劲
Going along with the green, like I'm about to tee off
也请你找点刺激的事 好好打发你这大把的时间
There is a million ways to make it in this life
往返 徘徊 流转
So let me hit you with a little piece of advice
我在你身边兜兜转转 彻夜未眠
If you are not doing something everyday that makes you feel alive
我想 若我达到了我的目标
You should find a better way to spend your frickin' time
我时常也会犯错 但我已经不是从前的自己
Runnin' runnin' runnin'
一切都结束了 我也只能回到原点
These circles 'round you (all night)
往返 徘徊 流转
When I get to where I'm going
我在你身边兜兜转转 彻夜未眠
I will be (alright)
我想 若我达到了我的目标
'Cause I made mistakes but I changed my ways
That's done, I'm back to square one
我时常也会犯错 但我已经不是从前的自己
一切都结束了 我也只能回到原点
Runnin' runnin' runnin'
These circles 'round you (all night)
When I get to where I'm going
I will be (alright)
'Cause I made mistakes but I changed my ways
That's done, I'm back to square one
2.All My Friends
4.Something Dangerous
5.Runnin' Circles
6.Play the Field
7.All for Me
8.Know It All
10.Ain't Ready