You and me never crossed that line
'Cause you and me we ain't never been single at the same time
But you and me, yeah it's crossed my mind
但我还是会想入非非 脑中闪现我们的种种可能
And I can see you're thinking the same thing in your eyes
我从你眼神中读出 可能你也有这番想法
Couple tequila shots and this neon lit Saturday night
几杯龙舌兰下肚 就着这周六夜晚的霓虹街灯
The way that you're talking with your body has got me like
你身体释放出的信号 让我不禁浮想联翩
Aww yeah, hey girl, if I'm being honest
嘿 姑娘呀 如果非要我说实话
I can't see you and say that I don't wanna
当你出现在我面前 我不可能说我不想要
Kiss you right now, baby, I can promise
亲吻你的双唇 我能向你保证
There ain't no way we can be platonic
No, no, no
No, no, no
Can't put the words back into my mouth
Already said it, it's too late to turn back now
既然话已出口 那么现在也来不及回头
I don't wanna ever be just friends
So let me say it again, say it again, yeah
所以 就让我说一遍吧
Aww yeah, hey girl, if I'm being honest
嘿 姑娘呀 如果非要我说实话
I can't see you and say that I don't wanna
当你出现在我面前 我不可能说我不想要
Kiss you right now, baby, I can promise
亲吻你的双唇 我能向你保证
There ain't no way we can be platonic
This ain't the tequila talking
I've wanted you girl for so long
And don't let me leave here alone without you, baby
Aww yeah, hey girl, if I'm being honest
嘿 姑娘呀 如果非要我说实话
I can't see you and say that I don't wanna
当你出现在我面前 我不可能说我不想要
Kiss you right now, baby, I can promise
亲吻你的双唇 我能向你保证
There ain't no way we can be platonic
Aww yeah, hey girl, if I'm being honest
嘿 姑娘呀 如果非要我说实话
I can't see you and say that I don't wanna
当你出现在我面前 我不可能说我不想要
Kiss you right now, baby, I can promise
亲吻你的双唇 我能向你保证
There ain't no way we can be platonic
(No, no, no) there ain't no way we can be platonic
(No, no, no) there ain't no way we can be platonic
(No, no, no) there ain't no way we can be platonic
(No, no, no)
1.Florida With a Girl
3.Half Hoping
4.To a T
5.Wish for the World