Well, my truck broke down out on Highway 43
43号高速公路 我的车抛了锚
Just some honeysuckle, couple cows, and me
身旁空无一人 只有几头牛和路边的金银花
I looked up and the sign I see
我抬起头来 看到那块招牌
Said "Welcome y'all to Moose Knuckle, Tennessee"
写着 欢迎来到田纳西的穆斯纳可
Well, I walked into town, and when I got there
They were having a bar on the old town square
到了镇上的老广场 那儿开了间酒吧
Doing a dance I didn't know how to do
人们跳着一种舞 一瞬间我竟有点不知所措
Then this girl said, "Boy, I can teach you"
这时那个姑娘跟我说 她来教我
Yeah, you shuffle to the left, shuffle to the right
你向左走几步 向右扭几下
Put your hands in your pants and you hike them up high
就像这样 把手插进裤子口袋里 再高举过头顶
No matter what you're packing under that belt buckle
Everybody do the Moose Knuckle Shuffle
在这里 所有人都会跳这支穆斯纳可的招牌舞
The next thing I knew, the moose is loose
下一件我记得的事 就是我紧贴着她的身体
I started betraying, shaking my caboose
我开始对她展开攻势 扭动着我的翘臀
Tracy Byrd showed up and said, "What's this y'all?"
这时巨佬TB出现 问我们这是啥
It might be better than the Watermelon Crawl
这可能比他当年那首Watermelon Crawl还要劲爆
Yeah, you shuffle to the left, shuffle to the right
你向左走几步 向右扭几下
Put your hands in your pants and you hike them up high
就像这样 把手插进裤子口袋里 再高举过头顶
No matter what you're packing under that belt buckle
Everybody do the Moose Knuckle Shuffle
在这里 所有人都会跳这支穆斯纳可的招牌舞
Well, I married that girl and we had a couple of kids
后来我娶了这位姑娘 我们还有了几个孩子
Got elected mayor, first thing I did
我被选为了市长 上任后我做的第一件事
Was take a new sign in that old honeysuckle
Says "Welcome to the home of Moose Knuckle Shuffle"
上面改成了 欢迎来到穆斯纳可摇摆舞之乡
Yeah, you shuffle to the left, shuffle to the right
你向左走几步 向右扭几下
Put your hands in your pants and you hike them up high
就像这样 把手插进裤子口袋里 再高举过头顶
No matter what you're packing under that belt buckle
Everybody do the Moose Knuckle Shuffle
在这里 所有人都会跳这支穆斯纳可的招牌舞
We'll be happy to teach you, it ain't no trouble
我们很乐意教你跳啊 没什么麻烦的
Everybody do the Moose Knuckle Shuffle
在这里 所有人都会跳这支穆斯纳可的招牌舞
Do the Moose Knuckle Shuffle
Do the Moose Knuckle Shuffle
Aww, knuckle down, boys
1.The USA Begins With US
2.Moose Knuckle Shuffle
3.Kings Of Neon
4.Mull It Over
6.Wrangler Danger
7.Hot Country Knights
8.Then It Rained
9.Pick Her Up
10.You Make It Hard