Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset

Your daddy had a lake house
He had me paint it that summer sophomore year
Said I could stay for free
A couple buddies, a couple weeks
和几个兄弟一起 待了这么几周
You pulled in in a little red Honda
你开着辆红色本田 出现在我视线
And headed straight for the pier
Tank top and cut-off jeans
吊带背心 配上牛仔短裤
A little PacSun underneath
Who knew it was 'bout to be
那时谁会知道 接下来会有什么故事
日出而作 日落而息
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
月光清辉 整夜照耀 洒在我身上
Moonlight, all night, crashing into me
世上没有一件事情 会比你我的关系更为简单
Nothing will ever be easy as you and me
枕边缠绵 无需去往别的地方
Tangled up and nowhere to be
就这么日出而作 日落而息
Just sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
日出而作 日落而息
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat, hey
墙边的百叶窗 我漆成了你眼睛的颜色
当太阳落山 迎来了夜晚
I turned those shutters the color of your eyes
我叫来几个朋友 开了瓶酒
Till the day turned into night
这片船坞码头 被我变成了吧台
And took turns with a jar
点起一团篝火 一把吉他被我们轮流传唱
Turned that boat dock into a bar
最后朋友们成双结对 相继离开
And then we passed the guitar around the fire to each other
而我们俩 就像头顶的星星一样
And watched all of our friends pair off with one another
而所有人都知道 这便是属于你我的夏日
But we felt like the stars we were under
日出而作 日落而息
And everybody knew that that was our summer
月光清辉 整夜照耀 洒在我身上
世上没有一件事情 会比你我的关系更为简单
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
枕边缠绵 无需去往别的地方
Moonlight, all night, crashing into me
就这么日出而作 日落而息
Nothing will ever be easy as you and me
Tangled up and nowhere to be
Just sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
盛夏七月 你我热情似火
你我的故事 便是这
日出而作 日落而息
We set July on fire
Yeah, girl, you and I were
日出而作 日落而息
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
月光清辉 整夜照耀 洒在我身上
(Sunrise, sunburn)
世上没有一件事情 会比你我的关系更为简单
枕边缠绵 无需去往别的地方
就这么日出而作 日落而息
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
日出而作 日落而息
Moonlight, all night, crashing into me
Nothing will ever be easy as you and me
Tangled up and nowhere to be
盛夏七月 你我热情似火
Just sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
你我的故事 便是这
日出而作 日落而息
日出而作 日落而息
We set July on fire
Yeah, girl, you and I were
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat
Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat, hey
1.Heartless (Acoustic)
2.Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset
3.False God
4.Every Other Memory (Acoustic)
5.Wish for the World (Live from Nashville)
6.What If I Never Get Over You