Right now
There's an ad on every TV in every home
Trying sell you a fix for whatever's wrong
他们向你兜售着 用以治疗的药
Some potion some pill, send your dollar bill
有些是药水 有些是药片 紧接着账单就会送到门口
Right now
酒吧吧台的杯子里 总有冰块浸在酒中
There's a drink over ice on a bar in a glass
没喝下一口 你的苦痛与过去就会慢慢抹除
Every sip will erase your pain your past
一轮又一轮下肚 可有些事实在是难以忘怀
Have another round, but some things are hard to drown
我迷途无向 我一贫如洗 我年华已老 我丑陋不已
灵魂中的空洞 已经没有什么可以填补
I'm lost, I'm broke, I'm ugly, I'm old
我喑哑失声 我浑身麻木 我恐惧万分 我举止怪异
Got an empty that nothing can fill in my soul
I'm dumb, I'm numb, I'm weird and scared
无法胜利 无法改变 我所体验的只剩失败
Not pretty enough to be repaired
曾经的那份疯狂 也不能被我放上酒架
Can't win, can't change, all I do is fail
Can't put my crazy back on the shelf
Yeah, the cruelest lies of all the lies we tell
Are the one's we tell ourselves
有个姑娘开着一辆别克 停在没人看见的地方
她说自己已经无法承受 哪怕是单单这么一晚
Right now
她想就此闭上双眼 也许这样便可看见完美的一隅
There's a girl in a Buick parked out of sight
我迷途无向 我一贫如洗 我年华已老 我丑陋不已
Swears she can't take it, not another night
灵魂中的空洞 已经没有什么可以填补
Wants to close her eyes, maybe see the perfect size
我喑哑失声 我浑身麻木 我恐惧万分 我举止怪异
I'm lost, I'm broke, I'm ugly, I'm old
无法胜利 无法改变 我所体验的只剩失败
Got an empty that nothing can fill in my soul
曾经的那份疯狂 也不能被我放上酒架
I'm dumb, I'm numb, I'm weird and scared
Not pretty enough to be repaired
Can't win, can't change, all I do is fail
现在啊 厨房里一对夫妇正在例行公事
Can't put my crazy back on the shelf
两个人的俗套故事 两个孩子的美式梦想
Yeah, the cruelest lies of all the lies we tell
他们早已脱离清醒 如今一道裂痕中 他们决定就此分离
Are the one's we tell ourselves
他们也不清楚 当初的感觉究竟溜到了何处
他们想着 也许现在该分开了吧
Right now there's a couple in a kitchen going through the routine
但其实 他们谁也没准备好就此放手
Of a two story, two kid American dream
我已然坚强 我胸怀歉意 我趋于稳重 我行事鲁莽
They were head over heels now they're coming apart at the seams
我的灵魂中 有着坚定的信仰 和不灭的希望
Wonder where all the feeling went
对啊 有几分挣扎和恐惧 其实也不过正常
Thinking that it's time to split
所有的开裂和破损 也可以慢慢愈合
But they ain't ready to quit
无法胜利 无法改变 我所体验的只剩失败
I'm strong, I'm sorry, I'm steady, I'm bold
Got a faith and fire that fills my soul
Yeah, it's ok to struggle, ok to be scared
The busted and broken can be repaired
Can't win, can't change, all I do is fail
Yeah, that's what I used to tell myself
'Cause the cruelest lies of all the lies we tell
Yeah, the cruelest lies of all the lies we tell
Are the ones we tell ourselves
The ones we tell ourselves
1.Good Ol' Boys
2.Save The Roses
3.Memory I Don't Mess With
4.Hey World
5.I Hope You're Happy Now
6.One Of Them Girls
7.Atta Boy
8.More Beer
9.Don't Need No Reason
10.Do Not Disturb
12.Sons And Daughters
13.Country Knows
15.If You