There's a woman at a table, keeps looking at her phone
桌旁坐着的女人 始终盯着自己的手机
And the fella sitting with her, it's like he'd rather be alone
旁边那家伙一脸不耐烦 看起来他更想一个人静静
They're hanging on by a thread, and that thread's about to go
我看出他们关系紧张不已 仅存的一丝联系也即将挣断
This might not need to be said, but I just wanna let you know
也许这些话无需说出口 但我还是想让你听听
我不愿再和你争吵不休 不想让你离开我的怀抱
I don't wanna fight, I don't wanna let you go
我更不想体验 失去你的那番痛苦
Baby, I don't wanna know what it's like to lose you (Lose you)
无数感情走向分手的结局 从相爱到淡漠反复上演
Oh, 'cause people break up, fall in and outta love
但要我选择放弃你 这是我永远不会想的事
But giving this up is something I just won't do (Won't do)
我不愿给你任何离开我的缘由 不想看你在夜幕中驱车离开
And I don't wanna give you a reason to leave me, watch you drive off in the night
我更不想理解 人们口中说的所谓单身自由
I never wanna feel that freedom that people say they find
我不愿去想 不愿亲身体会
I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
我不想体验 失去你的那番痛苦
I don't wanna know what it's like to lose you (To lose you)
那些我永远不会说的话 极有可能被我脱口而出
如果你感觉自己的世界正逐渐脱离控制 我也会努力将你稳在我一旁
Yeah, I know I'm gonna say things, that should never leave my mouth
人生长路 不会总是鲜花和浪漫 即使你确实值得被这般呵护
When your world's flying off the handle, I'll try keep you on the ground
我只想让你确信 我们当下所拥有的已然值得
It won't always be roses, even though you deserve 'em
我不愿再和你争吵不休 不想让你离开我的怀抱
I wanna make sure you know that what we got is worth it
我更不想体验 失去你的那番痛苦
无数感情走向分手的结局 从相爱到淡漠反复上演
I don't wanna fight, I don't wanna let you go
但要我选择放弃你 这是我永远不会想的事
Baby, I don't wanna know what it's like to lose you
我不愿给你任何离开我的缘由 不想看你在夜幕中驱车离开
Oh, 'cause people break up, fall in and outta love
我更不想理解 人们口中说的所谓单身自由
But giving this up is something I just won't do
我不愿去想 不愿亲身体会
And I don't wanna give you a reason to leave me, watch you drive off in the night
我不想体验 失去你的那番痛苦
I never wanna feel that freedom that people say they find
I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
I don't wanna know what it's like to lose you, yeah
如果我们不紧盯着不放 其实时间也会过得飞快
I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
我会和你开拓未来 过去就让它随风远走
我不愿去想 不愿亲身体会
And I don't wanna wind up like that
我更不想体验 失去你的那番痛苦
Baby, I just wanna make this last
无数感情走向分手的结局 从相爱到淡漠反复上演
And if we don't watch it it could happen fast
但要我选择放弃你 这是我永远不会想的事
Put me over us, puts you in the past
我不愿给你任何离开我的缘由 不想看你在夜幕中驱车离开
And I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
我更不想理解 人们口中说的所谓单身自由
I don't wanna know what it's like to lose you
我不愿去想 不愿亲身体会
我不想体验 失去你的那番痛苦
People break up, fall in and outta love
Baby, giving this up is something I just won't do
And I don't wanna give you a reason to leave me, watch you drive off in the night
I never wanna feel that freedom that people say they find
And I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
I don't wanna know what it's like to lose you
1.Buy Dirt
3.I Still Smoked
4.Drink Had Me
5.Blow Up Your TV
6.Need To Not
7.Lose You
8.Almost Maybes