I know it hurts that we don't touch anymore
我们断了联系 我明白这有多伤人
It's even worse because we built this from the floor
It's just as hard for me to know I might see you 'round
It's just as hard for me to worry 'bout reachin' out
The more I think about you the more I keep the ghost alive
Yeah the more I think about you the more I keep the ghost alive
越思念你的容颜颦蹙 越让我难以安定
I want you bad but it's done
我迫切地需要你 可是一切已尘埃落定
I'm bleeding out 'cause we can't go on
我的心在滴血 只因明白我们再无法携手前行
I want you bad 'til I shake
我如此需要着你 以至身躯不由颤抖了
I want what we had but what's broken don't unbreak
我想要找回我们曾有的美好 但却无可挽留
Just when I'm ready to get over you you call me up
只是当我鼓起勇气要忘掉你时 你却给我打来电话
And then I crumble when you say you're getting over us
可下一秒我又遭受重创 你说你已不再留恋过往
But the more I think about you the more I keep the ghost alive
Yeah the more that I'm without you the less I know if I was right
I want you bad but it's done
我想要你回来 可是一切已破镜难圆
I'm bleeding out 'cause we can't go on
我的心在滴血 只因清楚我们再无法共步前行
I want you bad 'til I shake
我如此需要着你 以至身躯不由颤抖了
I want what we had but what's broken don't unbreak
我想要找回我们曾有的美好 但却为时已晚
And I won't tell you what I want to
对于我心愿得一切 我只会对你保持缄默
What I want to
I'm falling through I can't hide it
我如同坠落深渊 这心绪难以隐藏
But I learn to
I want you bad but it's done
我迫切地需要你 可是一切已尘埃落定
I'm bleeding out 'cause we can't go on
我的心在滴血 只因明白我们再无法携手前行
I want you bad 'til I shake
我如此需要着你 以至身躯不由颤抖了
I want what we had but what's broken don't unbreak
我想要找回我们曾有的美好 可是都不可能了
I want you bad but it's done
我迫切地需要你 可是一切已破镜难圆
I want you bad but we can't go on
我想要你在我身边 可终究只能是夙愿罢了
1.Talk It Out
4.Mean It
7.Lose It (Album Version)
8.Banana Pancakes
9.always, i'll care
10.Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
11.Hold Back The River (Album Version)