I lace the boots up, it's straight to the door
系紧鞋带, 毅然走向门口
'Cause this, is worth fighting for
因为这场战役, 值得我为此血洒
I get my head right, the heart's gotta follow
清醒头脑, 叮嘱我心
Whisper a prayer like there ain't no tomorrow
低语诀别的祷告, 好像...明日不复存在
Take a breath, and I exhale slow
深呼吸, 缓缓呼出
I wasn't made for this kind of cold
This ain't the kind of place that you wanna know
These are the elements, I'm telling you bro
弥漫着种种复杂成分, 我告诉你Bro
This world, is up in my grill
这世, 将被我审判
This world, is shooting to kill
这世, 仍在肆意杀戮
This world always gotta be stealing my heart
This world always tryin' to rip my family apart (apart, apart, apart)
这世仍在拆散我的家庭 (早已破碎不堪)
我会与这些复杂元素血战到底 (因罪而来的复杂元素)
I'll fight the elements (elements, elements, elements)
我会与这些复杂元素血战到底 (因罪而来的复杂元素)
I'll fight the elements (elements, elements, elements)
我拥我灵, 更拥这份信念
I got spirit, I got faith
我也许伤痕累累, 但我不会轻易倒下
I might bend but I won't break
我会与这些复杂元素血战到底 (因罪而来的复杂元素)
I'll fight the elements (elements, elements, elements)
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
And I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
这并不是我们的家, 不, 完全不接近
它们隐藏于伪装, 我们如同与幽灵在拼杀
This ain't our home, nah, not even close
They camouflage like we're fighting some ghost
You start to doubt everything that you know
它试图分裂我们, 蛊惑人心, 让我们就此屈服
I feel the heat and it's starting to show
它迷惑我们丢下武器, 悄然把我们麻醉
They try to break us, break us, make us wanna give in
放下这战役? 我怎可能会放手
Lay down our arms, novocain us again
Lay down a fight, I could never relent
我会与这些复杂元素血战到底 (因罪而来的复杂元素)
And I'ma take it all the way to the end
我会与这些复杂元素血战到底 (因罪而来的复杂元素)
我拥我灵, 更拥这份信念
I'll fight the elements (elements, elements, elements)
我也许伤痕累累, 但我不会轻易倒下
I'll fight the elements (elements, elements, elements)
我会与这些复杂元素血战到底 (因罪而来的复杂元素)
I got spirit, I got faith
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
I might bend but I won't break
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
I'll fight the elements (elements, elements, elements)
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
And I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
我若失败, 也要战斗到最后一秒
I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
来吧, 放手一搏
I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
I'ma gonna go down swinging, if I go down
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Let's go
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements
天父, 神啊, 让我看清它的本质
Elements, the elem-elements
无法与之中立, 本就与它为敌
Elements, the elem-elements
Elements, the elem-elements
Father, God, let me see it for what it is
This ain't neutral we're up against
These elements push me to the fence
让我站起身来, 别向它畏惧低头
And then I end up on top of it
我愿意与它抗争, 殊死一搏
If I'm not careful…
To recognize what is pushing in
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
Open my eyes to these elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
Stand up and rise to these elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
I'm willing to fight, willing to fight
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(放手一搏)
The elements
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
Elements, the elem-elements (let's go)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素(我能感受到)
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
复杂元素, 种种复杂-元素
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
Elements, the elem-elements
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
Elements, the elem-elements (I can feel it)
Elements, the elem-elements
Elements, the elem-elements
2.I just need U.
3.Starts With Me
4.Horizon (A New Day)
6.Edge Of My Seat
7.Hello Future
8.See The Light
9.The Elements