Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
再见 再见 就此作别
Like a movie I kissed her in the rain
犹如唯美电影 我在雨中与她唇齿相依
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
再见 再见 就此作别
Here's a song to send her off on a plane
这首歌 是为那搭乘飞机离开的她而作
It almost felt like love
I almost fell in love again
又一次 我几近坠入爱河
I think I will survive, it's not like I got hit by a train
我想 我能如往常般度日 这怎能与生死攸关相提并论
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
再见 再见 就此作别
One hundred is not good enough for me
于我而言 问候百次都尚且不足
Goodbye goodbye goodbye
再见 再见 就此作别
Don't take it slow I only got one speed
不要放缓脚步 我始终全速而行
I don't like to be tamed
不想被驯服 不愿归于平淡
I don't play teenage games. oh, that's so lame
绝不像少男少女打情骂俏 那属实不合时宜
If she's after my fame, surprise!
若我名声大噪后 她接踵而至 必会惊喜讶异
I am not a household name
而事实是 我是个无名小卒
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
再见 再见 就此作别
She's a mistake I wanted to make
与她邂逅的这场失误 我甘之如饴
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
再见 再见 就此作别
No candles burning on our cake
我们吃着蛋糕 却再无庆祝氛围
I was in love with a plain Jane
我曾深深爱上 这样的平凡女孩
I don't think I will ever do it again
似乎毕生 都再不会有下次