Hi 오늘도 너만 보면 웃음이 나
Hi 若是今天也见到你 便能绽放笑容
My heart is beat
you’re my everything
Take my hand
너도 내 맘과 같다면 Jump
若是你也与我心意相同 Jump
Fly high 날 따라와
飞向高处 跟随我而来
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
Sky high 더 뛰어 봐
就算天空高得触不可及 我们也试着跳上去吧
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
Like trampoline 내 심장은 뛰고있어
就像蹦床一样 我的心脏一直跳动着
내 세상에 뛰어든 너 땜에
Take my hand
너도 내 맘과 같다면 Jump
若是你也与我心意相同 Jump
Fly high 날 따라와
飞向高处 跟随我而来
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
Sky high 더 뛰어 봐
就算天空高得触不可及 我们也试着跳上去吧
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
Fly high 날 믿어봐
飞向高处 相信我吧
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
fly high into the sky
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
우린 처음부터 정해진 것 같아
我们从初次开始 便似是注定
지구 반대라도 만났을거야
就算是地球另一边 我们也会相遇
세상 끝난대도 너의 손을 잡고
就算世界终结 我也紧抓住你的手
One two Three, one two three Jump!
Fly high 날 따라와
飞向高处 跟随我而来
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
Sky high 더 뛰어 봐
就算天空高得触不可及 我们也试着跳上去吧
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
Fly high 날 믿어봐
飞向高处 相信我吧
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
fly high into the sky
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
Hi 오늘도 네가 있어 행복해 난
Hi 今天也有你在 我真的很幸福
My heart is beat
you’re my everything
Take your hand
절대 이 손을 놓지마 Jump
绝对不要松开手 Jump
Fly high 날 따라와
飞向高处 跟随我而来
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
Sky high 더 뛰어 봐
就算天空高得触不可及 我们也试着跳上去吧
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
Fly high 날 믿어봐
飞向高处 相信我吧
keep it up back it up take it up (go on go on)
fly high into the sky
keep it up back it up take it up (take it up go on)
3.I'm so Afraid
4.I'm Not Afraid