No one flag flies over
the multi-national company
No allegiance to the
board's homeland
fellow citizens
the flag born of their countrys
the brainwashed nationalists move
To shed their blood on battle fields.
War profiteering rich watch their
stocks reap high yields
We're tearing down the borders!
We're fighting for the
rights of freedom!
Woah oh, woah oh
woah oh.
We're tearing down the borders!
We're fighting for the
rights of freedom!
Woah oh, woah oh
woah oh.
No patriotic pledge from
multi-national companies.
Only a commitment to
lock away equality and steal away
all freedom from the poorest of the poor.
So that the boardroom can insure
their stockholders profits are
higher in return.
We're tearing down the borders!
We're fighting for the
rights of freedom!
Woah oh, woah oh
woah oh.
We're tearing down the borders!
We're fighting for the
rights of freedom!
Woah oh, woah oh
It's our world.
Let's take it back!
Let's set ourselves free
oh woah oh.
It's our world.
Let's take it back!
Let's set ourselves free
oh woah oh.
It's our world.
We want it back!
Let's set ourselves free
oh woah oh.
It's your world.
Take your world back!
Take it, ******* back.
There's a call
A ringing sound
Around the globe
Its gaining ground
We're tearing down the borders
oh oh.
There's a voice in your heart
It beckons you to do your part
We're tearing down the borders
oh oh!
The line is drawn
In the sand
On one side your a slave
The other a free man
We're tearing down the borders
oh oh!
There's a call
Freedom's sound
Around the globe
Its gaining ground!
We're tearing down the border
We're tearing down the border
We're tearing down the borders
2.Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.)
4.Post-War Breakout
5.Sold as Freedom
6.Power to the Peaceful
7.Mind the G.A.T.T.
8.You Can Kill the Protester, But You Can't Kill the Protest
9.When You Don't Control Your Government People Want to Kill You
10.Wake Up!
11.Death of a Nation
12.Tearing Down the Borders
13.One People, One Struggle