欢呼雀跃 选自清唱剧“弥赛亚” Rejoice, greatly

选自清唱剧 “弥赛亚” "Messiah"
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,
shout, O daughter of Jerusalem,
behold, thy King cometh unto thee.
He is the righteous Saviour,
and He shall speak peace unto the heathen.
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion,
shout, O daughter of Jerusalem,
behold, thy King cometh unto thee.
1.阿利路亚 选自经文歌“喜悦欢腾” Alleluja
2.欢呼雀跃 选自清唱剧“弥赛亚” Rejoice, greatly
3.风雨飘摇 选自歌剧“格利泽尔达” Agitata da due venti
4.从暴风雨中归来 选自歌剧“凯撒大帝” Da tempeste il legno in franto
5.迷离的咏叹 选自清唱剧“尤迪塔的胜利” Altra aria del Vagante
6.一个不安宁的想法 选自“时间与真实的胜利” Un pensiero nemico di pace
7.拨开荆棘,摘下玫瑰 选自“时间与真实的胜利” Lascia la spina