How much is that pencil in the window
A dollar is all it will be
A pencil is missing from my school bag
A pencil is oil thnt
How much Oh how much
How much will these things oil cost me
How much oh how much
How much will these things all cost me
How much is thot rubber in the window
Two dollar is oll it will be
A rubber is missing from my school bag
A rubber is oil that I need
How much Oh how much
How much will these things oil cost me
How much oh how much
How much will these things all cost me
How much is that ruler in the window
Three dollar is all it will be
A ruler is missing from my school bag
A ruler is all that I need
How much Oh how much
How much will these things all cost me
How much oh how much
How much will these things all cost me
How much is that notebook in the window
Four dollar is all it will be
A notebook is missing from my school bog
A notebook is all that I need
How much Oh how much
How much will these things all cost me
How much oh how much
How much will these things all cost me
1.The More We Get Together
2.The Train
3.Starry Skies
4.Goodbye To You
5.Everbody Jump
6.Three Blind Mice
7.How Much
8.Fishes,Fishes Where Are You?
9.Three Little Kittens
11.How Do You Do?
12.I Have Got Six Pence
13.Froggie Froggie
14.Our School Will Shine
15.Table And Chair
16.To The Circus
17.Ring A Ring Of Roses
18.I Had A Little Nut Tree
19.When I Was A Young Girl
20.Sunny Day