all things bright and beau-ti-ful,
all crea-tures great and____small,
all things wise and won-der-ful__
the lord god made them all___
each lit-tle flow'r that o-pens,
each lit-tle bird_that sings___
he made their glow-ing co-lors,
he made their ti-ny wings____
all things bright and beau-ti-ful,
all crea-tures great and____small,
all things wise and won-der-ful__
the lord god made them all_______
pur-ple-head-ed moun-tain,
the riv-er run-ning by,
the__sun-set and the morn-ing,
that bright-ens up__the__sky__
the cold wind___in the win-ter__
the plea-sant sum-mer sun____
the ripe fruits in the gar-den,
he made them ev-'ry one;
all things bright and beau-ti-ful,
all crea-tures great and____small,
all things wise and won-der-ful__
the lord god made them all___
he gave us eyes__to see__them,
and lips that__we__might tell___
how__great is god al-might-y___
who has made all___things well___
all things bright and beau-ti-ful,
all crea-tures great and____small,
all things wise and won-der-ful__
the lord god made them all___