Back in Colorado,baby
重返科罗拉多州 我亲爱的
Seventeen years,we were childish playing
已有十七年了 我们曾在此地消磨青涩时光
We had time to make good nights
曾记否 时光漫漫 共度良宵
We push back all our problems daily
日日夜夜 一切烦恼都被退回
Polaroid shots in the mountains,baby
在群山环绕中拍下的宝丽来照片 我亲爱的
We had time to make good nights
曾记否 光阴漫长 共度良宵
那时我们青春年少 明朗高亢
And we were high
你我所拥有 是只存在无线电中的爱
We had radio love
我们曾山盟海誓 地久天长
We said we'd never ever,ever let it go,no
In our mirage
We were perfect as ****
夜空星光璀璨 纵情幻想你我未来生活
Making dreams about our lives up in the stars
诶 我亲爱的
Yeah yeah babe
Yeah yeah babe
你别走呀 留在那段美好时光好不好 亲爱的不要走
因为你存在于我记忆漩涡 你就是我脑海里的一切
And don't you ever go,don't you ever go,darling
为什么你最后改变心意 终结了属于你我的夜晚呢
'Cause you're all that I know,you're all that I know
我如今孑然一身 空对漫漫长夜啊
Why did you change your mind and end the night
And now I'm on my own,now I'm on my own
Maybe I'll call you on the phone,call you on the phone
唉亲爱的 我在自我拉扯
Or maybe I just won't call 'cause I'm alright
总有一天我会充满耐心 我的亲爱的
Yeah yeah babe
曾记否 时光漫漫 共度良宵
Someday I'll be patient,baby
倒转开去 回顾记录你我往昔的后视镜
Maybe our minds wouldn't be that hazy
周六夜晚灯光迷蒙摇曳 心神荡漾
We'd have time to make good nights
曾记否 光阴漫长 共度良宵
Look back through our rearview mirror
那时我们年少轻狂 纵情欢畅
Saturday lights couldn't get much clearer
你我所拥有 是只存在无线电中的爱
We'd have time to make good nights
我们曾山盟海誓 地久天长
And we were high
We had radio love
夜空星光璀璨 纵情幻想你我未来生活
Said we never ever,ever let it go,no
诶 我亲爱的
In our mirage
We were perfect as ****
你别走呀 留在那个美好的夜晚好不好 亲爱的不要走
Faking dreams about our lives up in the stars
因为你存在于我记忆漩涡 你就是我脑海里的一切
Yeah yeah babe
为什么你最后改变心意 终结了属于你我的夜晚呢
Yeah yeah babe
我如今孑然一身 空对漫漫长夜啊
And don't you ever go,don't you ever go,darling
又或许永远也不会收到我的来电了 我也能勉强度日
'Cause you're all that I know,you're all that I know
哦 那段时光依旧历历在目
Why did you change your mind and end the night
每每想起 那些夜晚仍然记忆犹新
And now I'm on my own,now I'm on my own
你打破所有美梦 我溃不成军
Maybe I'll call you on the phone,call you on the phone
你吐气如兰的字字句句 稍纵即逝
Or maybe I just won't call 'cause I'm alright
哦 那段时光仿佛还触手可及
每每想起 那些夜晚仍然记忆犹新
Oh,I feel the days
但或许它们早已迅速流失于时光的罅隙里 遍寻不见
I feel the nights in every way
You break me down
Your perfect lines,they fall easy
Oh,I feel the days
I feel the nights in every way
But maybe our good nights have faded fast