Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone

There's a heart I cannot hide
There's a beat I can't deny
它心跳得这样快 我无法否认
When it sings, when it lies
当它作响时 当它说谎时
when it cheats, when it bribes
当它欺骗时 当它被诱惑时
There is a war inside my core
I hear it fight, I hear it roar
我听见 我的心在反抗 在嘶吼着
Go ahead, go ahead
Lay your head where it burns
你的头呀 就躺在我这颗心炽热着的地方呢
Even though it hurts, even though it scars
就算我的这颗心 会难过 会伤痕累累
Love me when it storms, love me when I fall
当暴风来袭之时 爱我吧 当我坠落跌倒之时 爱我吧
Every time it breaks, every time its torn
每当我的这颗心 受了伤 被撕裂得留下创伤
Love me like I'm not made of stone
爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
Love me like I'm not made of stone
就爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
A devil's hand across my heart
As we dance through the dark
So go ahead, go ahead
就向前去吧 不要回头
Love me deep, until you can't
Even though it hurts, even though it scars
就算我的这颗心 会难过 会伤痕累累
Love me when it storms, love me when I fall
当暴风来袭之时 爱我吧 当我坠落跌倒之时 爱我吧
Every time it breaks, every time its torn
每当我的这颗心 受了伤 被撕裂得留下创伤
Love me like I'm not made of stone
爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
Love me like I'm not made of stone
就爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
Love me hard until it heats
用尽全力来爱我 直到我的心变得炽热
Will you love my scars so I can heal
你会爱我的伤痕 治愈着我
Even though it hurts, baby, scars
就算我的这颗心很难过 就算我会遍体鳞伤
Love me when I fall, it breaks baby, it's torn baby, every storm
在暴风雨来临之时 爱我吧 在我坠落跌倒之时 当我的心已经伤痕累累
Love me like I'm not made of stone
爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
Love me like I'm not made of stone
爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
Love me like I'm not made of stone
就爱我吧 像我不是石头做的
1.I Never Learn
2.No Rest For the Wicked
3.Just Like a Dream
6.Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone
7.Never Gonna Love Again
8.Heart of Steel
9.Sleeping Alone