Chenresie, Flame of Peace and Compassion [featuring Dechen Shak Dagsay, vocals]

1.Raga Naiki Kanhra
2.Pupils Chanting [Recorded on location for the film "Little Buddha"]
3.Chenresie, Flame of Peace and Compassion [featuring Dechen Shak Dagsay, vocals]
4.Chant [Taken from the film "Little Buddha"]
5.Raga Naiki Kanhra
6.Heart Sutra [Dialogue taken from the film "Little Buddha"]
8.Tal [An excerpt from "Rhythm Sonata in E Major"]
9.Dialogue: "No Ear, etc." [interpretation of part of the Heart Sutra, taken from the film "Little Buddha"]
10.Raga Chandranandan [featuring Panfid Mahapurush Misra, Tabla accompaniment]
11.Dialogue: "No Old Age" [Taken from the film "Little Buddha"]