Fawn and Gruff Fall from the Sky / Mourning Fawn

1.1000 Years
2.Strange Sight
4.Strange Sight Reprise
5.Saying Goodnight
6.Fawn Discovers Gruff
7.The 1000 Year Comet
8.A Strange Cry
9.Observing Odd Behavior
10.Becoming Friends
11.Naming Gruff
12.The Scouts Hunt for Gruff
13.Meeting the Fairies
14.Nyx and Queen Clarion
15.Building the Towers
16.Going to See the Queen
17.The Storm Approaches
18.The Scouts Capture Gruff
19.Nyx Chases Gruff
20.He Saved Me / the Transformation
21.Into the Eye of the Storm
22.Fawn and Gruff Fall from the Sky / Mourning Fawn
23.Collecting Lightning
24.A Starry Night
25.Rebuilding Pixie Hollow