Mexican Grand Prix

first love
heart breaker
i'll take you on a tail race
is this wonder land
my fire
my passion
run and see
Keep runnin' round
Keep runnin' round
and run and see
I run and see
keep runnin' round
run and see
I run and see
Run and see
keep runnin' round
run around
all because i would change your mind
all because i i wouldn't say
all because i let you lose your life
when you lose your own way
so sad
I'll take her
Cause you're lost...???
can't blame you
for getting me here
Can't get you out my head, yeah
Keep' runnin round
keep' runnin round
come close
open the door
draw the curtains
1.Take Me Somewhere Nice
2.Stanley Kubrick
3.Tell Everyone That I love Them
6.Two Rights Make One Wrong
7.Hugh Dallas
8.Mogwai Fear Satan
9.Rano Pano
10.Helicon 1
11.Christmas Steps
13.I Know You Are But What Am I?
14.Burn Girl Prom Queen
15.Hunted by a Freak
16.Auto Rock
17.Travel Is Dangerous
18.Friend of the Night
19.We're No Here
20.I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead
21.The Sun Smells Too Loud
22.Mexican Grand Prix
23.How to Be a Werewolf
24.Wizard Motor
26.The Lord Is Out of Control
27.Teenage Exorcists
28.Half Time
29.Earth Division
30.Devil Rides
31.Hungry Face
33.D to E
34.My Father My King