Poor mans got a hard life to live, Rich man's got nothing to give
Feel your life going down the drain, Nothing but failure and pain
You say you were born to lose, But i say you got the right to choose
It's all in the way you play the cards
{It's in the cards, It's in the cards Know when to fold, Know when to bluff, Just play it smart
Don't tell me that you don't care, You don't work, you'll go nowhere It's all in the way you play the cards}
Some people get the ace of spades, Some people piss their lives away
Greed makes some unable to wait, They miss the boat but that's their fate
You think someone stacked the deck, I think your life is just a wreck
It's all in the way you play the cards
1.You Can't Kill the Blues With a Gun
2.That's Right
3.Jail House Rock
4.Smash a Window
5.Pu On My Di
6.The Young Loner
7.Criminal Mischief
8.Some Fun
9.What's Askin'
10.All Hail Santa
11.In the Cards
12.The Other Side
13.Gone With the Wind
14.He's Askin'
15.Hate Edge
17.The Herbert Moonstomp
18.Dark Streets
19.Disco Riot
20.Catch 22
21.Escape to the Citiy
22.Alcoholics Anonymous
24.I'm Hungry
25.The Bomb
26.Porch Money
27.National Debt