It is a song for all of you who maybe were in a bad thing
and got out of it
and, and knew it.
And some of you may in a good thing
and got out of it
and you didn’t know it.
That is a drag
That’s called a remorse
And totally this is a song for anybody
who is in a good thing
and does know it
I watch you reading a book
I get to think our love’s a polished stone
You give me a long drawn look
I know pretty soon you are going to leave our home
And of course I mind
Especially when I°Øm thinking from my heart
But life don’t clickety clack down a straight line track
It comes together and it comes apart
You say you hope I°Øm not the kind to make you feel obliged
To go ticking through your time
With a pained look in your eyes
You give me the furniture
We’ll divide the photographs
Go out to dinner one more time
Have ourselves a bottle of wine
And a couple of laughs
And when first you left
I stayed so sad I wouldn’t sleep
I know that love’s a gift, I thought yours was mine
And something that I could keep
Now I realize that time is not the only compromise
But a bird in the hand could be an all night stand
Between a blazing fire and a pocket of skies
And, So I hope I'm not the kind
To make you feel obliged
To go ticking through your time
With a pained look in your eyes
I covered the furniture,
I framed the photographs
Went out to dinner one more time
Had myself a bottle of wine
and a couple of laughs
And just the other day
I got your letter in the mail
I'm happy for you, it's been so long
You've been wanting a cabin and a backwoods trail
And I think that's great...
me... I seem to find myself in school
It's all Ok, I just want to say
I'm so relieved we didn't do it cruel
But ain't life a brook
Just when I get to feeling like a polished stone
I get me along drawn look
It's kind of a drag to find yourself alone
And sometimes I mind
Especially when I'm waiting on your heart
But life don't clickety clack down a straight line track
It comes together and it comes apart.
Cause I know you're not the kind
To make me feel obliged
To go ticking through my time with a pained look
In my eyes
I sold the furniture,
I put away the photographs
Went out to dinner one last time
Have myself a bottle of wine
And a couple of laughs
And wasn't it fine...
1.Aint't Life A Brook
2.Pig Iron
3.It's Not Too Late
4.Bander Del Sol, Flag Of The Sun
5.I Need Love
6.Grateful Dawg
7.Why Don't You Go Back To The Woods
9.Bob's Song
10.Bad Wisdom
11.Southland Of The Heart
12.Dreamy Eyed Girl