SKIT for Sollazo
Yeah, we used to be those teenagers screaming fuuk the whole world to the sky
You remember that, don't ya?
讲真的, 那些日子还挺有趣的
I wouldn't lie though, that was quite fun for a life, yeah
最难受的一点是, 时间并不会为了我们而停止
And the worst thing about it, is that life... It goes on with or without us
We do know that for a fact
忽略过去, 活成我们不该变成的人, 那样有什么意义
Pretending to be something we're not, ignoring our past...
But who are we, though?
你是谁? 我又是谁?
Who are you and who the fuuk am I?
We stumbled so many times
But, the flame of hope will not extinguish that easily
Use your power, keep freezing it until we make it in time
[00:58.439但你就是不听, 有无数种借口
You never listened, with so many reasons
We still have a lot of bad words to say to this whole system
To be honest, I've never thought we'd make it this far
学会了藏住伤疤的我们, 现在已经做到了很多以前不敢想的
Like we said so many years ago, now we shoot for the stars
伤口太深 一直到心脏
Hiding our scars... They cut too deep, the wound goes straight to our heart
[01:19.942可能命运会和我们开玩笑 但我一直在这里
I might not always be around, but we're never apart
我一直喜欢说教别人, 挺对不住的, 但就像我们刚刚聊的, 我希望你得到你应得的
Forgive me for moralizing, hope you get a nice ending like we talked earlier
除了我给你的名字, 因为"Sollazo"本就是你的
Hope you earn everything you deserve, except the name I gave ya, that you already did
That's it, wish you've no more regrets
差不多了, 祝你好运
And wish you good luck