you and me, always you held my head above the wavespaddling around pretending that it was not too coldit was but when you were thereour shadows softly on the grassday would break we'd have our lastour shirt-tails in the windseems like yesterday my friendi know that we were scaredhurt because you were not therei know i want it allwish the sky would fall on meyou and me, alwaysalwaysour shadows softly on the grassday would break we'd have our lastour shirt-tails in the windseems like yesterday my friendi know that we were scaredhurt because you were not therei know i want it allwish the sky would fall on mei'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not throughi'm not through