Legends Remembered (No Vocals)

1.Ride to Glory
2.Journey Beyond the Sky
3.Their Fight Is Our Fight (No Vocals)
4.Warriors to the End (No Vocals)
5.A Hero Rides With Us (No Vocals)
6.Our Time Is Now (No Vocals)
7.Proven Valor (No Vocals)
8.Flight of Freedom (No Vocals)
9.Ride to Glory (No Vocals)
10.Their Fight Is Our Fight
11.Hope Rises
12.Flight of Freedom
13.Proven Valor
14.Hope Rises (No Vocals)
15.Tech War (No Vocals)
16.Destiny and Honor (No Vocals)
17.Legends Remembered (No Vocals)
18.Journey Beyond the Sky (No Vocals)
19.Warriors to the End
20.Our Time Is Now
21.Tech War
22.Destiny and Honor
23.Legends Remembered
24.A Hero Rides With Us