Chorus:Maybe something magical
Would come my way!
Maybe something magical
Would come my way!
I'm fed up, drained out,
Take a bullet, drain my brains out.
Let me hand it, let me stop it,
Take my body on a road and drop it!
I'm in a mess,
I'm in a state,
My situation is far so great.
I'm on the down now,
I'm at the bottom,
To be honest,
I'm feeling rotten.
I'm on the floor,
I'm on the ...
I've lost my touch,
I've lost my style.
I'm on the edge,
I'm on the brink
Imagining blood dripping down the sink.
I miss my girl,
I miss my family,
Too much *******, too much brandy,...to this life style,
I need to bring guns,
I need to war crush.
Chorus:Maybe something magical
Would come my way!
I need to rise out of this gloom,
And escape the … doom.
I need the guts,
I need the spirit,
I need the people, the ready ones to live it!
Set me free out of this cage,
Let me run away from the first rage!
I'm on my own, …
It's just me, the
T.V. or a pen.
A pistol ...everything
I have,Yesterday
I...Of the beauty...
Turn me in, to everything
I hatedFor
I won't let it drown me,
No I won't leave this party,
Cause it's early and
I'll do it!
Any problem,
I'll have to...
I won't be broken,
The words were spoken!
Hold the...
I'm still dreaming,
I'm in hell, …
I feel the punch,
I feel the slap!
I feel the ...
I feel the pain,
I see my whole life dripping down the drain.
Chorus:Maybe something magical
Would come my way!
Maybe something magical
Would come my way!
1.Only Man
3.Feel Alright
4.Daisy Chains
6.Smiling Faces
7.Dragging Me Down
8.London Dreamer
9.Drums (On With the Story)
10.Twist Me Up
11.Drained Out
12.The Future Belongs to Us