Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some dab hits /一直dab一直dab一直dab(其实此处有双关)
Mask on like a bandit /带上面具就像土匪一样
Feelin cold you need a blanket /冷的话还是得盖毯子
I see tommy rolling paper grinding hour for the treasure /我看到汤米在卷,为了闯出名堂一直努力
Hold a second for the swagger Put a finger on the trigger /太酷了要冷静一下,把手指放到扳机上(随时待命)
lock and loaded be the tag /签名就是lock and loaded
all the good **** from the bag /好货都在包包里
Ring ring diamond on the ashtray /钻石在烟灰缸上
Bang bang blazing on a bad day /心情不好就打枪
High tech pulling on the drive way /高科技车车停在马路旁
Low fi music and the trumpet /低保真音乐还有喇叭声
When I trap I don’t miss a heat /当我玩的时候 不会错过任何一个炸点
my brain overload /大脑要超负荷运转
Need a map I don’t miss a beat gettin all the dough /需要一个地图 一刻也不耽误 努力赚钱
Hold a sec let me bring the wiiii smokin on the road /等一下子 让我带点货 路上用
Do a dab flexin to the feet swaggin episode /做个dab 从头帅到脚 就像得了swag综合征
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
On the west coast I spit the west S /我是来自西海岸的乡里别
I didn’t turn bad I was a bad kid /我并非变坏,而是生来极恶
They don’t like me but they can’t hate me /他们不喜欢我但他们也没法讨厌我
Cuz I burn bones to the ashes /因为我喜欢把骨头烧成渣子
When the lights off go find ur matches /天黑关灯,快去找你们的救命火柴
I’m 21 and I am savage /我今年21,而且我是三维基(双关,21 Savage这个就不用我科普了吧,都懂)
U can’t pull me into trench pit /你们别想拉我下水
Doing dat No visa Only Cash S /做着那些子儿不见光的大事儿
Doing dat No visa Only Cash S /做着那些子儿不见光的大事儿
Doing dat No visa Only Cash S /做着那些子儿不见光的大事儿
I got Tommy working on this trap beat /我有汤米来搞这个Trap伴奏
Who been working on this F trash S! /我就爱吐槽他的水平来激励他
Ain’t no one on earth can match this /没人在这片土地上可以比拟
Name is Barry Allen,the fastest /名字叫做Barry allen(拜伦阿伦闪电侠的名字)最快的
can’t imprison the water with a Basket /怎能用竹篮去囚禁水呢
Send u to the God in a casket /把你装在一个小盒子里送去见上帝
Ring ring diamond on the ashtray /钻石在烟灰缸上
Bang bang blazing on a bad day /心情不好就打枪
High tech pulling on the drive way /高科技车车停在马路旁
Low fi music and the trumpet /低保真音乐还有喇叭声
Pull up on u with some bad B /和小姐姐们招摇过市
Gucci Fendi Prada and Balencis /各大名牌
Ain’t No maximum defined I range with /还没有可以界定我的程度
wise minded /智慧
leave my pain behind /把伤痛留在过去
back to mama’s stomach /回到娘胎
redesign /重造
Virgin Mary and the Jesus Christ /哦就像圣母玛利和耶稣
OMG it feels so nice /我的上帝,那太棒了
1.Pull Up On U