Mix by Vc.
封面:林熙凯Rin $ixken
When we smoke yeah yeah yeah(我跟我的兄弟吞云吐雾)
Holup,I can't feel the time by(时间就这样被我浪费了)
When we shop yeah yeah yeah(我们尽管消费)
Holup,I can't feel the money go(我们有的是钱)
When we smoke yeah yeah yeah(我跟我的兄弟吞云吐雾)
Holup,I can't feel the time by(时间就这样被我浪费了)
When we shop yeah yeah yeah(我们尽管消费)
Holup,I can't feel the money go(我们有的是钱)
Hennessy pouring(轩尼诗满杯)
Every night dreams come to life.(每晚都很嗨)
Five to nine,so boring(朝五晚九才是最无聊的时候)
Late at night is the time for me to drive,go outside.(深夜才是我出行的时候)
Holup Holup Holup(稍等)
We are rich and wayward,no but(我们年轻有为)
My mansion doesn't just in my raps.(我的别墅不只是在我的歌曲里出现)
My life style so full without gaps.(生活如此多娇)
You're not the kind of person.(你不是像我的那种人)
Fame and fortune,skr burn.(名声大燥)
Wrist frozen,we cold men.(我们就钻链一样冷酷)
Easy ,b7.Fifty-three min,we play the moment.(53分钟给你酸爽)
See us,we are from the street.(我们来自街头)
We like a rocket in Bentley,through city.(就想火箭一样穿越城市)
The bank is funded by me.(银行都是我资助的)
They are proud of me.(他们为我感到骄傲)
I can anticipate ****.(我能预料到)
You know I living ******* rich.(我过着有钱的生活)
When we smoke yeah yeah yeah(我跟我的兄弟吞云吐雾)
Holup,I can't feel the time by(时间就这样被我浪费了)
When we shop yeah yeah yeah(我们尽管消费)
Holup,I can't feel the money go(我们有的是钱)
When we smoke yeah yeah yeah(我跟我的兄弟吞云吐雾)
Holup,I can't feel the time by(时间就这样被我浪费了)
When we shop yeah yeah yeah(我们尽管消费)
Holup,I can't feel the money go(我们有的是钱)
Holup holup b7 I am faded (我面色憔悴)
Holup holup that's lemonade(兑上柠檬汽水)
Holup holup we running this game (我们主宰比赛)
Holup holup yayaya(好了好了~)
fk with a b7 say bye (跟她说再见)
十万块just for nights(花费一晚上)
what a wonderful life(生活如此多娇)
fk with a b7 say bye (跟她说再见)
十万块just for nights(花费一晚上)
what a wonderful life(生活如此多娇)
我告诉我自己保持清醒 straight up(崛起)
如果她不爱我的mom I won't date her(我不会跟他约会)
我肯定可以made it(做到)不然还有谁呢
When we smoke yeah yeah yeah(我跟我的兄弟吞云吐雾)
Holup,I can't feel the time by(时间就这样被我浪费了)
When we shop yeah yeah yeah(我们尽管消费)
Holup,I can't feel the money go(我们有的是钱)
When we smoke yeah yeah yeah(我跟我的兄弟吞云吐雾)
Holup,I can't feel the time by(时间就这样被我浪费了)
When we shop yeah yeah yeah(我们尽管消费)
Holup,I can't feel the money go(我们有的是钱)
1.Hol up