Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 6. Zukunftiger Spaziergang (Future Stroll) (Tenor, Chorus)

1.Uber unserer Heimat strahlt die Sonne, Op. 90
2.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Ouverture
3.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Arie des Kowaljow (Baritone)
4.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Zwischenakt
5.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Zwischenakt
6.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Liedchen des Iwan (Tenor)
7.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Monolog des Kowaljow (Baritone)
8.The Nose Suite, Op. 15a:Galopp
9.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 1. Als der Krieg zu Ende war (When the War was over) (Bass, Chorus)
10.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 3. Erinnerung an die Vergangenheit (Remembrance of Things Past) (Bass, Chorus)
11.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 2. Lasst uns die Heimat mit Wald bekleiden (Let us clothe our country with woodland) (Chorus)
12.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 5. Die Komsomolzen gehen voran (The Young Communist Leaguers advance) (Chorus)
13.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 4. Pioniere setzen die Walder (Pioneers olant the forest) (Chorus)
14.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 6. Zukunftiger Spaziergang (Future Stroll) (Tenor, Chorus)
15.Pesn' o lesakh (Song of the Forests), Op. 81:No. 7. Ruhm (Glory) (Tenor, Bass, Chorus)